Wednesday, July 2, 2008


well, i am starting to regret the whole "potty training" thing!!!! it seems that once i got monkey started pooping on the potty, he now doesnt want to stop! the kid has decided he wants to poop upwards of 5 times a day!!! every hour or so he will tell me he has to poop... go to the potty and push out a little poo nugget! and after every one of these trips he needs a wipe and the potty needs to be cleaned! i am hoping that he will tire of this soon... b/c i sure have!!!

it kind of makes me wish he was still in diapers HAHAH!! at least then i would be in the position of power... and only have to change him when I wanted to!!! :)

1 comment:

Baby Herzog times THREE said...

You crack me up. Jet is testing all boundaries all over the place :)