Tuesday, January 17, 2012

There's no place like Snow-m

We have spent the last few days in a wintery wonderland with more of the white stuff supposedly on the way tonight/tomorrow. Snow-pocalypse 2012. all our weathermen get WAY over excited for things like this and then there really is only a good 50% chance that their predictions actually come to fruition.... so, a big hit of snow tomorrow? or will these few inches of powder slowly melt away? we shall see. in the mean time Monkey is enjoying going out to play and coming back inside with new snowballs for the freezer... so we can keep them :) he's cute :)

Well, those goofy weather people were right.... today we got more snow! probably a total of 8ish inches :)

and thankfully, after an exhaustive search we found the missing snow pants! my darling husband decided to pack them away instead of putting them back in the drawer the last time they were used. it only took him 36 hours to realize he had done so.... back off girls... this guy is TAKEN!

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